No bones about it, we love our pups! Head over to our Instagram page to see our Free give away! Ends 2/15

January: Fan of the Month

January 01, 2018

January: Fan of the Month

"Lucky is thirteen years old and about thirteen pounds of attitude. He stations himself on the back of the sofa so he can look out the front window and warn me if the mailman tries to sneak up on the mail box. He is believed to be a Papillion and Coton de Tulear mix. We are both retired and in a contest to see who can take the most naps in a day. I keep track of his naps and he keeps track of mine, but I think he cheats.  He was recently diagnosed as diabetic, but twice a day insulin shots and diet changes have stabilized his blood sugar level. Thanks to your diabetic cookies I can give him treats whenever he decides he deserves them. Thanks."

~ Chuck, Rockville Centre, NY


Also in Fan Club

Next Generation
Next Generation

October 25, 2023

October 19th was National get to know your Customers Day.  This customer has been a big fan of ours over the years.  We appreciate her support, kindness and love her new addition!

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Age is just a number
Age is just a number

October 25, 2023

October 19th was National Get to Know your Customers Day.  We want to thank Dave for his business but also his friendship.  Get to know Dave and his new dog Esme.

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May 2023 Fans of the Month
May 2023 Fans of the Month

May 31, 2023

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