Old Dog Cookie Company makes all natural, human grade dog treats. Our company was founded in 1996 after a year of research and testing within the veterinary community. We make and sell Arthritis Relief and Diabetic Dog Cookies.
Our treats are made with natural ingredients and herbs known to promote better health and wellness in adult dogs. Like America’s aging population dogs are living longer, are sometimes overweight and developing the same diseases as people. Our cookies target dogs that suffer from ARTHRITIS/joint stiffness and DIABETES. Our recipes are carefully formulated with the best ingredients to improve the health of your dog.
Herbs have been used successfully for centuries to treat injury and diseases in animals. The therapeutic value of plants in well documented. Herbs are highly nutritious, providing essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to your pet’s diet. Our products combine the gentle healing properties of herbs with foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
Our products contain NO salt, soy, preservatives, additives, chemicals, dyes or animal by-products.

- Alfalfa: anti-inflammatory that also contains minerals to grow and regenerate bone and connective tissue.
- Pure, unsweetened applesauce: The “healing vitamin." Provides Vitamin C, often missing in a pet’s diet, especially older dogs. Required for good adrenal function and the production of cortisone. Important in the development of sound joints.
- Rolled oats: High in protein value, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and B complex.
- Raspberry leaf: A body balancer.
- Brewers Yeast: Loaded with B vitamins, minerals, zinc, folic acid and a good source of energy.
- Honey: Promotes energy and healing. It is a natural antiseptic.
- Kelp: Helps with promoting proper thyroid function. Helps with healthy skin and coat.
- Stone ground Whole Wheat Flour: Source of B, E vitamins, high in fiber and rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

- Alfalfa: anti-inflammatory that also contains minerals to grow and regenerate bone and connective tissue.
- Pure applesauce: Apple pectin helps boost the body’s immune system and control blood sugar levels in diabetes.
- Dandelion Root: Helps to reduce amounts of sugar in the blood.
- Garlic: Reduces blood sugar and stimulates digestive function.
- Kelp: Aids in good pigmentation and a healthy skin and coat. Promotes proper thyroid function.
- Pumpkin: A good source of vitamin A.
- Brewers Yeast: Loaded with B vitamins, minerals, zinc, folic acid. A good source of energy.
- Rolled Oats: High in protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and b complex.
- Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour: Source of B, E vitamins, minerals, high in fiber and rich in unsaturated fatty acids.
NOTE: Soluble dietary fiber is a key in controlling sugar balance. Fiber and herbs are very successful in slowing the rate of food metabolism, allowing the body to manage its insulin requirements better.