No bones about it, we love our pups! Head over to our Instagram page to see our Free give away! Ends 2/15

Diabetic Satisfied Customers

"This is our dog Katie. She is a hurricane Katrina survivor that I found on the street in New Orleans a month after the storm. She turned a crazy cat lady into a dog lover! She has been diabetic for about six years. She loves your cookies – she had cataract surgery and now has glaucoma, and we use the cookies as a reward for taking her eye drops. Since she is on a strict diet, we love being able to give the cookies as treats without worrying about throwing her insulin off.”
~ Lynne Messina, Coppell TXE










"We wanted to share our story about Kobi.  He is thirteen years old and he was diagnosed with Diabetes in November of 2016.  Kobi has always had a hearty appetite and after being diagnosed, his life and ours changed drastically.  No more treats for Kobi and that was really hard cause he literally lives to eat. We currently give him two shots of insulin a day and four of your Old Dog Diabetic cookies. You don’t how happy we were to have found your cookies.  Kobi absolutely loves them and we love you.  Thank you so much!"  
~ Evelyn, Johns Creek, GA







"Sven loves his Diabetic Treats! Thank you so much! He feels like a Superhero!" 
Maggie and Sven, West Boothbay Harbor, ME






"I'm so happy that I found your cookie company and that my girl Nico loves your cookies! It was a hard time when Nico was diagnosed with diabetes to completely change her diet, especially since she is a food driven stubborn rottie! But luckily I found your treats and showed them to her vet, which he highly approved of, and she loves them! Thank you for making something for her to enjoy even though she can't have all her old regular jerkys and treats.  It makes me happy to keep her happy."
~ Jess, Lake Tahoe, CA



"SAM is enjoying his OLD DOG cookies. I am so glad to have found you. Still doing a "blood sugar curve" to try and find just the right amount of Insulin. He is doing quite well.  Has that "bounce" back in his step." 
~ Tamara, Oak View, CA








"My sweet lil dog Abby was just diagnosed with diabetes. Our world has been turned upside down. The diagnosis has been devastating. Being the typical picky eater small dog I was skeptical of her eating them. I couldn't get the box open quick enough. She was jumping up & down (I guess she could smell them). She LOVES her cookies!! Thank you soooo much!!! Changing everything in her life, her favorite food & treats has been terrible. But im sooo grateful she has something she loves that is not harmful to her health. Thank you again. We'll be a customer from now on!"
~ Lori, Bowling Green, KY






"The worst part of being a diabetic dog, isn't the shots, it's the fact that my Mom quit giving me treats!  Thank goodness she found your website with your delicious cookies, I absolutely love them. In fact, even though I can't see anymore, I can still smell them whenever they are left on the counter so when I do smell them, I bark and bark and BARK until Mom or Dad give in and give me one, then they hide them again.  Thanks again for making the best cookies, ever!  Cookie lover forever, Sadie"
~ Cathy, Brentwood, CA



"Critter is our 11 year old schnauzer he was recently diagnosed with diabetes.  These are not his real brothers but that's what we call them. They are all so much a part of our family. Their names are Coal and Little one. They do not have diabetes but also LOVE your cookies also. As everyone has found that the diet has to drastically change for them.  And finding your product has made my schnauzer family very happy again!  We search everywhere for diabetic treat and nothing! Until googled and found you! Thanks so much for making such a great product." ~ Kathy, Aledo, IL













"I love them! I am 13 (picture is when I was younger). I have diabetes. I can only eat my food out of a can twice a day. Then a get my shot.  I only get them when I've been good and need a treat!  I'm allergic to a lot of stuff, so I have to be on a special diet.   These are awesome!  I opened them myself for Christmas from my Auntie Terri and my cousins.   I want to have more!  Please send more! Please... Thank you, Dallas ^..^ "  ~ Eric, CA










"This is me Sadie and a picture of my two brothers on the left that hog your cookies too (they needed to go on a diet anyway).  We love your cookies!  Right now and for the past 2 years I have been battling bladder cancer and developed diabetes. Now, all of us are on a diabetic diet.  Diabetes is under control along with cancer. I have been through the wringer....but am doing well now and I come running for your cookies! They are healthy and no preservatives.  Good for all of us.   They are the only treats that I can have, which makes the shots a little easier. Please keep making more...Love, Sadie"  ~ Linda, Bristol, NH


"I love my diabetic cookies. Mom took them to the vet and he approved them. She only let's me have a few per day.   Mom  shared them with my best friends family too so that when I visit they can give me treats too. Thanks for making these. I will make sure she orders more. ~Lakota" ~ Cindy, Crestwood, KY



"My little guy, Bentley was diagnosed with diabetes in July 2011.  He was put in the hospital for two days with a 50/50 chance of making it thru the first 24 hours.  He had lived a life of luxury.  Treats Galore!  He was used to having many varieties in the pantry to choose from.  Once the realization of how our lifestyle was going to change set in, we than had to battle with the treat problem.  He was used to getting a treat several times a day.  Now we had none to give him.  In the beginning he was limited to 1/2 cup of high fiber prescription food twice a day.  Boy was this a wakeup call for us. Fortunately, after talking to a fellow dog lover like us, we were told about the Old Dog Cookie Company.  I printed out the brochure and took it to our vet.  She reviewed the ingredients and called me with approval to give Bentley these.  She actually is referring other patients to your website.  He gets one after each shot which makes that much easier as he hates to get his shots. Thank you for thinking of our special family members." ~ Mona, Chandler, NV












"Mavis (left) was diagnose with Diabetes almost 2 years ago, she went  completely blind. We had cataract surgery on her eyes and I can say for one year now she has had absolutely no trouble seeing Old Dog  cookies. I have been buying these for quite a while and just wanted to take the time to say thank you. Maggie loves them too. Mavis looks forward to them after her eye drops and shots. Maggie looks forward to them cause she knows Mavis gets them she gets them. They are truly a great treat for a diabetic dog and non diabetic dogs alike because of the good ingredients. Thanks" ~ Landi, Edgewood, NM



" I meant to send this photo of Bonji and Chet when their package comes in....I just ordered and figured I would send you the picture so you can see just how much they love your cookies....thank you and keep baking!"   ~ Shannon, Oakdale. CT






"Doodles doesn't even notice the needle behind him, he is totally a happy face because he is getting his old dog cookie, meanwhile eating he gets his insulin. 12 ye old Doodles is a happy dog!"  ~Barbara, Arvada, CO