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May Fans of the month

May 30, 2020

May Fans of the month

"Thanks for the email.  I love your company.  I appreciate the good communication and service, and you have those in boatloads.  You don't get enough these days" - Denise, Salem, VA

With almost every order we at ODCC try to send a follow up (personal) email.  We certainly don't expect a response back but when we do we always appreciate it!  After a recent order of our Diabetic and TINY Diabetic treats, Denise wrote to us sharing photos of her dogs and their stories.  Denise is a TRUE dog mom!!  When I asked her if her "kids" would want to be our May fans she said, "YES, all my kids are big fans!"


Denise first started with her Beagle-ish trio of Fred, Homer, and Atticus which she tells us, "a sweeter trio never did exist."  In April 2019 Fred passed and she promised that she would adopt another dog in his honor, this time a senior who might otherwise have trouble getting adopted.  Denise fell in love with Bella and picked her up at the Roanoke Shelter.  Bella was adopted in November 2019 and "had been long neglected in regard to her diabetes."  Bella (10) is diabetic and gets insulin twice a day.  "We seem to be settled on her dose and her food, and she is a much happier girl knowing that she can get treats (Old Dog Cookie Diabetic Tiny Treats), and I am happier knowing that I don't have to worry about what it might do to her insulin level throughout the day.  Though she can't see (she could when she joined us), she knows the layout of the house and she's very comfortable walking around the yard.  She's adorable and petite in every way."

Homer turns 13 in June and was adopted when Denise lived in upstate NY.  Shortly after his adoption he injured his back.  For 8 weeks Denise slept downstairs with Homer.  Denise tells us he recovered amazingly well and you would never know from watching him today that he had back surgery.  "After the surgery he developed seizures which are mostly controlled by a cocktail of medications.  He is the happiest of boys, the true definition of goofball and a noodge through and through."

"Atticus ran in front of my car exactly 8 years ago.  He is exactly the kind of dog most often found in shelters in the Adirondacks; hound dogs that don't hunt."  Of course Denise kept him and says "he is a darling dog that barks at everyone and everything but he's just looking for the dog or person to come over and say hello!! He has a persistent cough and can easily develop pneumonia.  His nick name is Kisser."

Denise tells us Bella, Homer, and Atticus are all fans of our Old Dog Cookies! "Homer and Atticus don't get as many as they would like, but they love the crunch of half of a regular size diabetic bone."  "Thanks so much for the incredible service and the great product." - Denise writes as she ends her email to us.

It take a special person to have 3 senior dogs, and even more special to adopt a senior diabetic dog!  Old Dog Cookie Company is thankful for loving dog people like Denise. 

We would like to dedicate our May Fans of the Month post to Fred.  In his loving memory Bella found a home and special (Old Dog) diabetic treats!

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