February 2016, we received an order of diabetic treats from Jean in NY for her dog Champ. "He loves your treats" said Jean.
February 2021 sadly we processed our last order for Champ. Almost every month for the last 5 years we have been shipping Champ his diabetic treats. Champ and Jean are almost legendary at the Old Dog. It just seemed right that after 5 years of being an Old Dog fan sweet Champ deserved a spot front and center on our website!
We know that often a lot of worry comes with a canine diabetes diagnosis. However did you know currently diabetic dogs receiving treatment often have the same expected life span as non diabetic dogs of the same age and gender? Just like Champ, our dog Jetty (whom we started Old Dog after) lived with diabetes for 7 years, passing at 16 years old. We are so grateful that our diabetic treats were a part of Champs nutritional journey with diabetes and hope we made life a little tastier for him. To Jean and your sweet Champ....."everyone is taught angels have wings but the lucky ones of us find they have 4 paws." Thank you Champ and Jean for your years of business. - All of us at Old Dog
March 23rd marks National Puppy Day. Old Dog is celebrating the occasion with this pawsome duo and their story. Adopted in 2019, Cameo is one lucky dog. While Cameo is not diabetic her pet parent shares how this lucky dog benefits from our diabetic treats.