Age is just a number

October 25, 2023

Age is just a number

All our clients are special - but some just go out of their way to get to know you, your business, your family and all your dogs.  October 19, 2023 was National "get to know your client day" and this client is worth getting to know.  Dave has been buying our (diabetic) products since early 2018.  In the summers he travels to the East Coast and makes a point of stopping to visit the Old Dog Cookie Company to catch up.  Over the years we have posted photos of Dave, his wife, and Miss Daily.  I think Miss Daily passed around the time we lost our own Spirit.  During one of his visits Dave told us getting another dog was not out of the question, despite being in his 80's.  It was that conversation the lead our owners to thinking about another "Old Dog" as well.  This fall I had the pleasure of meeting Dave's new dog, Esme.  She's 4 years old and just perfect!  She's not diabetic but loves our treats anyway.  Dave knows having a dog is a great way to keep him active.  We are thrilled for their new addition and wish them many years, adventures, and visits to the Old Dog Cookie Company together!!

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"Even though she's not diabetic, these Old Dog Tiny Treats are just perfect for her"

March 23, 2025

March 23rd marks National Puppy Day.  Old Dog is celebrating the occasion with this pawsome duo and their story.  Adopted in 2019, Cameo is one lucky dog.  While Cameo is not diabetic her pet parent shares how this lucky dog benefits from our diabetic treats.

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"I am so thankful I found you"

February 20, 2025

Meet Kepler!This salt and pepper Miniature Schnauzer was born with Diabetes. We are grateful Kepler and his pet parent are taking time to share with our Old Dog Community their diabetic canine journey and how to treat better and live better with Old Dog (diabetic) treats!

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Next Generation
Next Generation

October 25, 2023

October 19th was National get to know your Customers Day.  This customer has been a big fan of ours over the years.  We appreciate her support, kindness and love her new addition!

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