Back in our December newsletter we mentioned wanting to take some time in 2022 to highlight some TOP DOG customers.
Life is busy, so we are most appreciative when someone takes the time to thank us, or make a nice comment on a post, or share a photo of their dog or even to say have a nice day after we have helped them. These gestures of kindness do not go unnoticed and often put a smile on our face. That is why we have decided to recognize Lynda and her dog Otto B as one our TOP DOG clients. Not only has Lynda been a consistent 5 pound bulk buyer for over 2 years, after our December newsletter she took time out of her day to send us a very nice note. She wanted to let us know how sorry she was for the loss of our senior Old Dog, Spirit. We appreciated that Lynda recognized at the other end of that December email was a family still sad about the loss of their pet. She took the time to treat us just as people (and not business owners), to express empathy and kindness towards our loss. We were touched and reminded how an email like hers can make someone's day.
Despite loving all canines at the Old Dog we have a soft spot for Labs. It just so happens Lynda's dog "Otto B. Chocolate" is a 12 year old Chocolate Lab. She tells us he was diagnosed in 2020 with diabetes. "He's had difficulty walking and seeing. His doctor has been very attentive in trying to adjust his blood glucose. He's been on a variety of Free Style monitors, a variety of diets, acupuncture and Chinese herbs and a special mom cooked diet. In May 2021 he had cataract surgery which was life changing. He can move better and is more like his "old self" before diabetes. I was so happy a friend introduced me to your diabetic dog treats. They are now a regular addition. Otto continues with his custom diet, Chinese herbs and acupuncture every 10 days. He's doing very well. He can now enjoy his stock tank pool (photo) which my brother in-law made him a handicap ramp so he can get in and out easily. Thanks for your love and caring of all dogs."
Otto will be 13 in July and Lynda tells us he has enjoyed the snow this winter and is doing very well. She stays close to home these days to enjoy time with him and hopes things stay even keel. We do too, Lynda!!!
We do not actually know Lynda nor did we ask her to email us. She was just being a compassionate person. Never doubt the power of choosing kindness or remembering that behind every email sent or post made there is a real person reading and responding. We appreciated Lynda's words and are happy that our diabetic treats are a regular addition to Otto's diabetic journey. For those taking the time to read this, we hope you and your pup have a nice day!
Discover how grains like rolled oats and whole-wheat flour support a low glycemic diet and benefit diabetic dogs. Learn about managing a diabetic dog diet.
Let's face it, there is a lot of discussion when it comes to dogs and garlic. Discover how garlic in small doses can be beneficial.
January is sometimes celebrated as Apple Month. Apples symbolize good health for the start of a new year. Every ingredient we use in our treats serves a purpose. Learn how applesauce enhances flavor while supporting joint health and blood sugar control in dogs.